Is It Good For Us To Learn Yoga By Ourselves?


If you are a yoga beginner but you are thinking about that if you can learn yoga by yourself? If you are not interested in going to the yoga studios, of course, you can try to get started by yourself. To tell the truth, if you want to become advanced yogis through self-learning, it will take more and longer time. Meanwhile, you will also suffer a high risk of injury. The easiest way to learn yoga by yourself is to learn high-quality online courses.


Several ways to learn yoga on your own

Here are some actionable ways for your options to learn yoga on your own, such as books, Youtube videos, yoga studios, or online yoga courses. 


Learn from books

Books can not be considered a good way to learn yoga. One book can not cover all related topics and various contents. If you want to learn more in all aspects, you need more books. You should spend more time reading books and it is hard to understand. You can not see the movement and flow clearly on books. It is also not as cheap as you imagine learning from books because you need several books to cover all postures. Learning from books is not convenient for you. You need to read books and move your body at the same time. You can not focus on your poses and your breath. You can not tell whether what you do is right or not. Nobody would tell you if you are doing it in the wrong way. Your safety can not be guaranteed.


Learn from Youtube videos

Learning yoga from videos is a great way due to its visual feature. You can see the movement of the postures. It is free on Youtube but you need to watch some annoying ads. There are some challenges in learning from videos. When you search for a yoga tutorial on Youtube, thousands of videos will be overwhelming. Beginners won’t be clear that which video is good to start with. Some videos are long and some are too short. Normally we need to find a video from a skillful instructor about 40-50 minutes in length. 


Learn from online yoga courses

Online yoga courses are suitable for self-learners. You can practice on your schedule. You can learn yoga step by step following the guideline. Compare to the youtube videos, online yoga courses are well-designed by the instructors to give students a very good structure. You can not ask questions on the online yoga courses, but you can send emails to your instructors or join the community for help. 


Learn yoga at a yoga studio

I think it is a perfect way to learn yoga at a yoga studio if you have enough time and budget. Attending an in-person class provide you a better chance to get advice from your teacher in time. You can get the modification suggestions based on your performance. Practicing under the instructions of the yoga teacher will make you more clear about the posture.


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